We are dedicated to the safety of our children. 这些报告中的信息已经与我们的老师,员工和巴士司机进行了讨论. 所有职员都被提醒有任何可疑情况要向校长办公室报告. 我们正在通知您,以便您保持警惕并采取任何预防措施,以提高您孩子的安全. Please remind children not to talk to strangers, accept gifts from strangers, or take car rides with strangers. For additional information, 拨打拿骚性犯罪小组电话573-8059或访问纽约州刑事司法部门网站, Sex Offender Management. 感谢您对这一重要事项的持续关注.
Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender who has moved to 101 Taylor Avenue, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 名称:奥尔蒂斯, 奥斯卡, 性别:男, 种族:白色, 种族:西班牙, 身高:5英尺10英寸, 体重:215, 头发:黑色, 眼睛:棕色. 出生:1972年7月16日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 死气沉沉的地方,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as Laback, 布莱恩, 男性, 白色, 不是西班牙, 6“03”高, 350磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:11月21日, 1978.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as Widmaier, 卡尔·E, 男性, 白色, 未知的, 5英尺10英寸高, 160磅, 棕色的头发, 蓝色的眼睛, 出生日期:4月7日, 1964.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to ”纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as Malave, 安东尼, 男性, 黑色的, 拉美裔, 5 ' 04”高, 166磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生:7月18日, 1973.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 101 Taylor Avenue, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 名称:塔克, 罗德尼。, 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 6“00”高, 179磅, 黑色的头发, 眼睛:棕色. 出生日期:1974年5月26日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 3 Bramble Lane, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 名称:霍夫曼, 杰夫, 男性, 黑色的, 种族:未知, 6“00”高, 170磅, 黑色的头发, 眼睛:棕色. 出生日期:1982年5月23日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender who has moved to 899 Broadway, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 名称:卡罗威, 伯爵, 性别:男, 种族:黑色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 身高:6“01”, 体重:250, 头发:黑色, 眼睛:棕色. 出生日期:1960年3月14日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender who has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺05寸高,175磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1966年7月14日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,5英尺10英寸高,229磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1972年7月5日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 1级(低风险) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,种族:未知,种族:西班牙裔,5英尺04英寸高,200磅,黑发,眼睛:淡褐色. 出生:1958年12月10日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺09寸高,180磅,金发,蓝眼睛. 出生日期:9月19日, 1971. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5'06"高,150磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1964年8月31日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,142磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1984年10月18日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,6尺01寸高,250磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1960年3月14日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,6英尺高,210磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 25, 1979. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender who has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5'08"高,172磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1971年2月9日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender in our area who has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender who has moved to ”纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,183磅,金发,蓝眼睛. 出生:1972年12月4日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺07寸高,185磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1957年7月29日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺09寸高,230磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1961年10月26日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered 三级(高危) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,210磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1978年6月20日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed of the existence of a registered Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender in our area who is homeless. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5'08"高,145磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1975年1月8日. Anyone who uses this information to injure, 骚扰, 或对任何人实施犯罪行为,可能受到刑事起诉.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 死气沉沉的地方,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5'09"高,165磅,黑发,眼睛:未知. 出生日期:1971年3月16日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5英尺02英寸高,160磅,灰色头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: November 17, 1934.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥的时候,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,170磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1960年11月10日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 西亨普斯特德,纽约州. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,160磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:1984年6月16日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已被转移到2176杰里科收费公路,花园城市公园,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 6 02”高, 175磅, 金发, 蓝色的眼睛, 出生日期:1月17日, 1978.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 699 Dibblee Drive, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 6“01”高, 250磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1960年3月14日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 06”高, 170磅, 棕色的头发, 淡褐色的眼睛, 出生日期:12月17日, 1963.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已被转移到纽约东花园城斯图尔特大道821号. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 08”高, 210磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1978年6月20日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 罗斯福,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族:未知,5尺04寸高,165磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 罗伯特:未知.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 699 Dibblee Drive, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 09”高, 230磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生:1961年10月26日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已经搬到了纽约州韦斯特伯里老乡村路369号. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 08”高, 210磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1978年6月20日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 699 Dibblee Drive, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 种族:未知, 5 ' 06”高, 150磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1964年8月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 纽约东花园城. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 699 Dibblee Drive, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 08”高, 210磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1978年6月20日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 725 鲍德温 Avenue, 鲍德温, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 08”高, 160磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:2月12日, 1957.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 东梅多, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,160磅,棕色头发,绿眼睛,出生日期:1957年10月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5尺07寸高,175磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1986年7月3日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,未知,5尺08寸高,172磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1971年2月9日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Merrick, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5英尺08英寸高,162磅,金发,蓝眼睛,出生日期:1982年5月22日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已经搬到纽约罗斯福市宾夕法尼亚大道311号. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 05”高, 150磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:9月2日, 1963.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,身高6英尺01英寸,体重200磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1978年11月18日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to ”纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺09寸高,150磅,黑头发,黑眼睛. 出生:1963年8月22日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,亚洲人,非西班牙人,5尺03寸高,115磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:11月18日, 1946.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已被转移到Hostway汽车旅馆,101杰里科收费公路,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5英尺10英寸高, 183磅, 金发, 蓝色的眼睛, 出生:1972年12月4日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已被转移到纽约杰里科的杰里科收费公路38号. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,5尺07寸高,150磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1964年3月30日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5尺11寸高, 220磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1985年4月23日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺07寸高,190磅,红发,淡褐色眼睛,出生日期:1972年12月30日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into HIcksville. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 09”高, 185磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1月23日, 1966.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 罗斯福,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,种族:未知,身高5英尺05英寸,体重145磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1959年3月12日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 821 Stewart Ave., 纽约东花园城. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 09”高, 180磅, 金发, 蓝色的眼睛, 出生日期:9月19日, 1971.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into HIcksville. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺07寸高,190磅,红发,淡褐色眼睛,出生日期:1972年12月30日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 32 耶利哥 Turnpike,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 种族:未知, 5 ' 06”高, 150磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1964年8月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 纽约东花园城. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,225磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 23, 1974.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to Williston Park, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,6米高,255磅,棕色头发,绿色眼睛. DOB: September 13, 1957.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥的时候,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,220磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1985年4月23日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥的时候,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 女性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺06寸高,190磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1961年4月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 鲍德温, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,种族:未知,6英尺01英寸高,250磅,黑发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1968年5月27日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 东梅多, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,160磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:1984年6月16日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 699 Dibblee Drive, 韦斯特伯里,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, Ethnicity: 不是西班牙, 5 ' 09”高, 180磅, 金发, 蓝色的眼睛, 出生日期:9月19日, 1971.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 东梅多. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺03寸高,145磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1977年10月10日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 101 耶利哥 Tpke.,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 种族:未知, 5 ' 06”高, 150磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:1964年8月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 纽约卡尔广场. The sex offender is described in the police report as 女性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺06寸高,190磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1961年4月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 鲍德温, NY. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,220磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛,1971年3月26日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to 耶利哥的时候,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 种族:未知, 6“01”高, 200磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛, 出生日期:11月18日, 1978.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,亚洲人,非西班牙人,5尺03寸高,115磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:11月18日, 1946.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,225磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 23, 1974.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved to 死气沉沉的地方,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,175磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1963年12月3日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to ”纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,220磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1984年12月22日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved to ”纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1985年4月23日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已经搬到了纽约尤宁代尔哈丁街1031号. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,165磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,1969年5月13日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 429 Duffy Avenue, 死气沉沉的地方,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5英尺09英寸高,180磅,金发,蓝眼睛,出生日期:1971年9月19日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 101 耶利哥 Turnpike,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,5英尺06英寸高,150磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1964年8月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,亚洲人,非西班牙人,5尺03寸高,115磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:11月18日, 1946.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 101 耶利哥 Turnpike,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,180磅,棕色头发,蓝眼睛,出生日期:1972年11月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 鲍德温. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺05寸高,135磅,黑头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生:1953年9月2日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Garden City. The sex offender is described in the police report as 女性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺05寸高,208磅,淡褐色眼睛. 出生:1955年2月4日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into East Garden City. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1967年3月13日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5 ' 08”高, 145 pounds, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛. 出生日期:1975年1月8日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,亚洲人,非西班牙人,5尺03寸高,115磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:11月18日, 1946.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺07寸高,190磅,红发,淡褐色眼睛,出生日期:1972年12月30日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者已经搬到了纽约花园城斯图尔特大道821号的拉昆塔汽车旅馆. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,西班牙裔,5英尺08英寸高,191磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1958年8月17日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,6米高,210磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 25, 1979.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺06寸高,167磅,灰色头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1938年10月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,190磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 11, 1982. 3/23/10
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,6米高,168磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:1966年6月1日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,种族不详,5尺10寸高,180磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1972年5月1日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 536 公园大道,尤宁代尔,纽约州. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5英尺08英寸高,220磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1955年5月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性侵犯者被转移到纽约杰里科收费公路101号215室. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5英尺04英寸高,125磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1958年9月2日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to E. 罗斯福街罗斯福,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,5英尺09英寸高,150磅,黑发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1957年11月14日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺08寸高,194磅,黑头发,黑眼睛. 出生:1957年3月31日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 米尼奥拉. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,西班牙裔,5尺05寸高,160磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1975年12月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,175磅,黑头发,黑眼睛. 出生:1963年12月3日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to 校园街,尤宁代尔,纽约州. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,6英尺04英寸高,180磅,灰色头发,灰色眼睛,出生日期:1939年12月14日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,非西班牙裔,5尺11寸高,210磅,棕色头发,蓝眼睛,出生日期:1980年11月1日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,6尺06寸高,218磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 25, 1976.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved to Hudson Avenue罗斯福,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,5英尺11英寸高,220磅,黑发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1960年12月9日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺10寸高,225磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: December 23, 1974.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 女性,黑人,非西班牙裔,5尺06寸高,190磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1961年4月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 08”高, 185磅, 棕色的头发, 蓝色的眼睛. 出生日期:1959年1月22日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 06”高, 167 pounds, Gray hair, 棕色的眼睛. 出生:1938年10月25日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into West Hempstead. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5英尺10英寸高, 210磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛. DOB: September 1, 1970.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,6尺03寸高,165磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1963年10月18日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性侵犯者搬进了杰里科旅馆.,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,6尺03寸高,275磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,1967年2月9日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,西班牙裔,6英尺高,175磅,棕色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1981年2月17日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,6尺02寸高,195磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: February 22, 1959
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 东梅多. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,6英尺01英寸高,239磅,黑发,棕色眼睛,1971年4月9日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,6尺03寸高,175磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1963年10月18日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,6尺02寸高,170磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1963年3月8日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Levittown. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,身高6英尺01英寸,体重200磅,金发,蓝眼睛,出生日期:1962年1月19日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into 罗斯福,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,5尺07寸高,185磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,1957年7月29日出生
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 09”高, 158 pounds, 棕色的头发, 淡褐色的眼睛. 出生日期:1970年6月9日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,6米高,179磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1974年5月26日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,其他,5尺10寸高,175磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,1968年8月20日出生
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,5尺06寸高,155磅,黑发,棕色眼睛. DOB: February 14, 1972
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺10寸高,175磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生:1963年12月3日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺06寸高,170磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:12月17日, 1963
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,身高6尺04寸,体重205磅,棕色头发,蓝眼睛,1969年6月3日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into 公园大道 在纽约罗斯福. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,6英尺06英寸高,180磅,灰色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1940年11月22日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5 ' 08”高, 170磅, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛. 出生:1969年3月16日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性犯罪者搬进了Hostway汽车旅馆,101杰里科收费公路,杰里科,纽约. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,5英尺08英寸高,250磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1958年4月4日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5 ' 08”高, 145 pounds, 黑色的头发, 棕色的眼睛. 出生日期:1975年1月8日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,身高5尺07寸,体重190磅,红发,淡褐色眼睛,1972年12月30日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 东梅多. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺11寸高,170磅,黑头发,绿眼睛,1972年2月27日出生.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺11寸高,195磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1980年2月19日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5英尺08英寸高,170磅,灰色头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1928年2月17日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 一名性侵犯者搬进了位于韦斯特伯里迪布利大道699号的红屋顶酒店. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,身高5英尺09英寸,体重160磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛,出生日期:1959年4月17日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男,黑人,5尺06寸高,140磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛,出生日期:1956年4月9日.
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 鲍德温. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 06”高, 180磅, 棕色的头发, 蓝色的眼睛. 出生:1958年3月30日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into Carle Place. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺11寸高,195磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: February 19, 1980
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into 鲍德温. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5尺11寸高, 160磅, 棕色的头发, 棕色的眼睛. 出生日期:1981年3月10日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) 性侵犯者已经被转移到贝斯佩奇的美国延期停留中心. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺09寸高,160磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:1959年4月17日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,西班牙裔,5尺04寸高,140磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. 出生日期:1975年8月17日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into 米尼奥拉. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,黑人,6尺02寸高,145磅,黑头发,棕色眼睛. DOB: November 13, 1979
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Uniondale. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺10寸高,210磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生:1953年6月22日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into the Econo Lodge in 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性,白人,5尺09寸高,160磅,棕色头发,淡褐色眼睛. 出生日期:1959年4月17日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 死气沉沉的地方. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 09”高, and 200磅. 出生日期:9月19日, 1971
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into Bethpage. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5尺11寸高, and 170磅. DOB: November 25, 1972
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into North Bellmore. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 拉美裔, 6“00”高, and 190 pounds. 出生:1966年5月19日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 韦斯特伯里. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 5'07" tall, and 150磅. 出生日期:1970年3月14日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into Levittown. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5英尺10英寸高, and 195 pounds. 出生日期:1970年7月21日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a Level 2 (moderate-risk) sex offender has moved into 鲍德温. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 黑色的, 6“00”高, and 170磅. 出生日期:1982年5月23日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 三级(高危) sex offender has moved into the Meadowbrook Motel in 耶利哥. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 白色, 5 ' 09”高, and 160磅. 出生日期:1959年4月17日
In accordance with New York State Correction Law, 6 c条, Sex Offender Registration Act (Meagan's Law), we have been informed that a 1级(低风险) sex offender has moved into 东梅多. The sex offender is described in the police report as 男性, 拉美裔, 5 ' 09”高, and 185磅. 出生:1969年5月26日
We are dedicated to the safety of our children. 这些报告中的信息已经与我们的老师,员工和巴士司机进行了讨论. 所有职员都被提醒有任何可疑情况要向校长办公室报告. 我们正在通知您,以便您保持警惕并采取任何预防措施,以提高您孩子的安全. Please remind children not to talk to strangers, accept gifts from strangers, or take car rides with strangers. For additional information, 拨打拿骚性犯罪小组电话573-8059或访问纽约州刑事司法部门网站, http://www.criminaljustice.state.ny.us/ 感谢您对这一重要事项的持续关注.